When we feel the need to rest and get rid of stress, a holiday at a Spa is the ideal solution. If only for a weekend or an entire week, a professional staff will be taking care of us to establish the right kind of harmony between body and mind. An unbeatable antidote for stress relief is certainly Yoga, which is a practice that is becoming more and more diffused in Spas and wellness centres worldwide. It may seem hard, if not downright impossible to approach yoga for only a holiday and actually understand it and benefit from it, but it's not like that at all. If you're with experienced yoga enthusiasts, you can start feeling better from the get-go. The first step is to act on the most exterior part of the personality, the physical body, which for the majority of people is a practical and familiar starting point, to then go on to the mental and emotional one. The goal is to govern our senses and to reach psychophysical wellness, balancing ad harmonizing the body, mind and emotions.
Working on the physical aspect of the body in yoga means to practice Asana (positions) and Pranajama (breathing exercises) with the objective being to stay in a position comfortably and in a stable way in order to discover the great advantages a correct breathing pattern can give our bodies.
In yoga, the end result isn't as important as the individual process. It isn't necessary, for instance to touch one's toes, but it's fundamental that the movements are done correctly and that the breathing is done with the right rhythm.
Concentrating on posture and on the “here and now” slowly creates a quietness in the mind. The thoughts that chase us and take away lots of energy from us start to wane, stress starts to regress and harmony starts coming back.
In this way of seeing it, so that yoga becomes more than just stretching, anyone, at whatever starting level can do yoga: you can stretch yourself to your personal limits, listen to your own body and to the teacher. Apart from increasing muscular flexibility and strength, it also helps with sleeping troubles and, if practised correctly, is useful for curing articulation problems, back pains and cardiovascular problems because of its correct respiratory exercises.
There are many hotels with annexed Spas and Wellness centres who believe in the concept of a “vacation in harmony with body and mind” and offer yoga courses amongst various other activities. Those who do not want to miss out on this discipline, as well as those who want to discover it for the first time, can use YOUSPA in order to find the best facilities and courses to fit their needs. Whether the time you have available is a little or a lot it will certainly be enough to discover yourself, find out what proper breathing can do and remove any stressful thoughts from your mind.