Alternative Thalassotherapy
Carla Tinagli - 05/11/2015

Thalassotherapy, or the treatment with sea water, is able to act on our health in many ways, let's discover them together.

The benefits of thalassotherapy have been known since ancient times, especially in the dermatology and muscular fields. But recently, the marine advantages have also been exploited in unconventional ways. Some examples? To counteract respiratory allergies, to treat insomnia (with acupuncture sessions and a menu of fourteen pillows from which to choose one’s favourite to get a good sleep) or cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder, in other words, mood swings due to the change of seasons.

“Immersion in this type of water favours the osmotic exchange between the marine environment and human body. Also, its precious elements, filtered through the skin, reach the dermis and are absorbed by the blood vessels from which the whole body takes advantage”, says Michela Giovannetti, a hydrologist doctor and medical director of an important centre, specialised in the field for years, which uses water drawn at 800 – 900 metres from the shoreline where the water has been awarded with the European Blue Flag for eight years.

“Today, in all respects, thalassotherapy may be considered an emotional method to activate positive feelings and reach complete multisensory wellbeing”, says Giovannetti.  “In fact, we organise wellness packages that consist of specific cabin therapies and an itinerary consisting of five salt water pools, which have a temperature ranging from 29 to 36 degrees”. 

Carla Tinagli
Journalist, she's been dealing with wellness, beauty and lifestyle for years. She collaborates with many newspapers and is always in pursuit of beautiful things and something that inspires you wellbeing.